"ATA Delegate Newsletter"

Past ATA President
Utah ATA Delegate
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Past ATA President
Utah ATA Delegate
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September 2024

It is now the time of year that many Utah shooters start looking to the hills, fields, and marshes to chase a different quarry.

The Grand is over, and as usual, it was "Grand." At last count, Utah had 24 people classified during the 11 days of shooting. Several Utah shooters posted some very good scores: Sean Hawley, Scott Syme, Grayson Stuart, and Bobby Street, to mention a few. Check out the Utah State Trapshooting Association website (Utah.trap.com) for a picture of some of those in attendance.

The last part of preliminary week and the first part of Grand week was extremely hot with high humidity. After that, the weather was quite bearable with temperatures in the low 80s, slight wind, and no rain.

One of my squad mates, Mark Johnson from Illinois, hit a milestone at the Grand. Mark shot at and hit his 50,000 handicap target. As in a previous article, fellow squad mate Charlie Long from Texas presented Mark with his attainment pin. Once again, the seasoned pro with 382,700 handicap targets congratulates another mere child of the game.

The Utah State Trapshooting Association has posted all the following target year shoots on its website. This would be an excellent time to schedule your favorite shoots for next year.

On a sad note, the trapshooting community recently lost a dear friend. Carol Ford Passed away on August 19, 2024, while in Alaska.

Carol was married to Doug Ford
and was the mother of Leslie
Hight. The Ford family has been
a big part of trapshooting in the
State of Utah, especially in the
Spanish Fork area. My
condolences go out to the family.